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How To Monitor Your Mobile Devices Data Usage

3:36 AM No Comment

This section carefully teaches you how to monitor your mobile phone or devices data usage.

Like most of us, some of us might actually knew some of the ways am going to be sharing with us how to limit, control or monitor our phone data usage.

Some of the methods includes but not limited to the following:

i. Disabling the automatically app update on Google play store

ii. Read the update details before updating any app that requires an update: because, this actually allows you to see what the newly updates were before downloading them if you requires it since some major updates are mere fixes and stuffs, so is not necessarily compulsory that you update your apps if rolled out updates are fix meant to address issues your phone might not be having.

iii. Limiting the number of unwanted apps that you download

iv. Android users: Changing your android device IMEI number to a BlackBerry smartphone IMEI number so that you can benefit from the allocated data allowance blackberry mobile phone users are enjoying.

v. Switching off your data whenever you are not using it, going to bed, busy or having a low battery.

vi. Making sure your hotspot isn't put on while your data is active, especially when you haven't properly setup or configured your hotspot for security reasons and data protection.
Thanks for reading.


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